Henry Morgan letter to William Blathwayt, 1681 June 13

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By the last opportunity I answered yours of the
12th. of March last and returned you my thanks
for the willingness you there express to serue
me and assure you, you shall always find from
me suitable returns to your kindnesses. the
business of Mingham I haue noe great reason
to bee concern'd at, I hope I haue made the
faireness of his triall here, and the badness
of his case sufficiently appeare at home,
I dare beleeue he has not the confidence
himself to say, but that he had all the
faire play imaginable shewn him, or that
my Command here was any hinderance to
the mouing of justice in its right currants
I am from my heart sorry at the
desorders at home and earnestly pray God
to bring things to their Right course
again. The Royall Company's Factors
haue lately disposed of a ship of Negroes
at 18ll. the head according to the appointment
made by his Majesty If the Company will
sufficiently supply vs at that rate interloping
will soon bee of noe vse, besides I hope it
will be of vse to hinder some heats which
might else haue been feared when the
Assembly (which is prorogued till the 24th.
of this month) sitts again. I am in great
expectation that all will bee fairely and
vnanimously carried on, and though I doe
not know how to hope for an Indefinite Act

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of the Reuenue yett doe I not despaire of
getting it for seauen yeares. I entreate
you to fauor me with your frequent
correspondence and bee assured I will
ommitt noe occasions of shewing you how
much I am.

your most faithfull &
very humble servant whilst
Henry Morgan

13th June 1681
from St. Iago de la

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13 June 168[1]
From Sir Henry Morgan

To William Blathwaite Esquire
Secretary to the Lords Commissioners
for trade and Forrain

Original Format

Ink on paper


Morgan, Henry, 1635?-1688, “Henry Morgan letter to William Blathwayt, 1681 June 13,” William Blathwayt papers at the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed September 12, 2024, https://cwfblathwayt.omeka.net/items/show/2448.